A few days ago I decided it was time to self-isolate and partake in social distancing. When it comes to mass hysteria I tend to take a step back, evaluate and then decide on what is best for myself and global consciousness.
On Saturday Lee got the news that his close friend had been diagnosed with Covid-19 - 2 days after he had spent the entire day with him in close proximity. That was all the information we needed to make a firm decision that we would remain at home for the foreseeable future.
There is so much conflicting information on what to do during this pandemic, but I believe social distancing and some self isolation is a step in the right direction, in order to keep high risk people more safe.
I'm a massive homebody and introvert so being at home for days (maybe even weeks) on end doesn't faze me that much, but I definitely want to use my time wisely. Of course Netflix watching, snacking and napping will happen, but I don't want to lose too much of a routine because it sends my entire being out of alignment.
I find that my life and work admin always slip due to my busy schedule and lack of time at home that doesn't involve rest or creating content, so I'm actually looking forward to finally getting around to things I've been putting off for months!
Blog Admin
WOAH WOAH WOAH! I have been putting off updating my bio, wardrobes, shopping widgets and whatever else for about 6 months. I find blog admin super tedious and just the last thing I want to do, especially on top of all the other tasks involved in my job. But its got to be done and I'm determined to do it! (update: ive done it, yay) lol.
Content Creation
I haven't formally announced it yet but I've signed to GleamĀ which is so so exciting. So of course, with a new team comes an influx of 'shit that needs to be done' and with Gleam being the powerhouse of talent management, we have made a pretty hefty content plan for the foreseeable future. There are lots of new and interesting things I am working on to move my career forward so I definitely want to spend the next week or so enforcing the ideas we have. I would also like to bulk shoot some IGTV content, as well as film some bits with Lee. Creating content is one of my favourite parts of my job and I wish I could do it even more.
Rest + Reset
Usually life goes by at an alarming rate and if you're anything like me, you are constantly busy and trying to not get overwhelmed. We all work so hard and are trying to juggle a million and one things. Adulting is HARD, and as a collective we absolutely need to rest more. So if I want to nap, I'm going to nap. And if I want to go to bed at 8pm I bloody will lol.
Like a true Virgo I want to do a massive spring clean of the entire flat. I did one a few weeks ago but in all honesty, there is no harm in doing it again. My living room drawers need a massive sort through, as well as a general deep clean of the bathroom. Scrubbing, glossing, hoovering and washing, and then watering your plants and lighting a candle is one of the most satisfying feelings. Yes! I can't wait."
Over the last year, cooking has become a really important part of my life. I find it soothing and mediative and I offer to cook more often than I don't. I rarely follow recipes, I just let my intuition guide me and hope for the best. I bought Lee a Caribbean cookbook for his birthday last month so during self isolation I'd like to try a few things in that and by try, I mean take inspiration and do my own thing LOL! Honey mac + cheese is definitely on the menu.
Get On Top Of My Emails
I neglect all my mailboxes pretty much every single day and that needs to change. I just hate sifting through spam and PR emails about Coronavirus. Leave me alone lol!
I haven't read as much as I'd like as of late. I get into bed and I scroll, or me and Lee watch a film or get intimate so reading just doesn't happen. And up until recently my attention span has been awful, so over the next few weeks I want to finish 'How To Be An Adult In Relationships' by David Richo, as well as start a crystal healing book I was gifted months ago.
Self Isolate (Netflix) & Chill
I am a huge TV and film watcher. I love binge watching a show on the weekend, or getting stuck into a thriller movie with a big bowl of popcorn and more recently MINI EGGS, OMG WHY ARE THEY SO GOOD. At the moment I am loving S2 of 'Liar' and Grace & Frankie (my absolute new favourite show).
Are you self isolating and/or social distancing? How are you planning on spending your time?