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Location: Balham, London
Over the past few months I have read a few posts discussing the demise of blogging. It is definitely a topic of conversation on Twitter and I guess it got me thinking.
Blogging is still one of my favourite ways to share content. I love shooting photos, compiling a post and then hitting publish. It may be because this platform for me is still very much mine - with few ads, and zero input from my management.
It is the place I feel safest to talk about certain things without judgement or misinterpretation.
My love for blogging has increased pretty dramatically over the years. 2016 was the year of finding my voice and since then, I feel like I have really cemented my content and as I've grown, its grown with me.
So when the conversations of 'are blogs dead' started - I slightly freaked out. Firstly because I just love blogging so much, secondly because my new blog design is costing me 2 months rent lol and thirdly, because I genuinely believe there will always be a future for blogging and I hope I'm not alone in thinking that?
Not to hurt anyone's feelings but the marble, rose gold, IKEA plant pot loving, pink lipstick obsessive, peonies, tulips and avocado on toast blogs maybe becoming a thing of the past. And that isn't because there isn't a place for them (although the over-saturation of these cliches can be rather boring at times), but maybe because content like that is so readily available on Instagram.
Instagram has gone boom! It's always been a favourite platform for people, but as of late, it has taken an even bigger shift in how we produce and consume content. It is the place of flat lays, breakfast shots and the quickest way to buy a fashion bloggers entire outfit.
The even faster consumerism says a lot about attention spans and the constant need for more.
I definitely click on those swipe ups, flick through everyone's stories whilst having my morning poo AND, I myself shoot content solely for Instagram as my engagement on the platform is at an all time high.
I feel that beauty blogging is definitely on the demise, and I guess blogs who fit a certain mould that people have had enough of seeing. Nowadays people are seeking opinions, diversity, empowering content and just more than 'hello here is my favourite lipstick'. Instagram is now the place for short, micro posts that can be executed on your morning commute or when you're slightly drink on a Thursday night, but does that mean blogging has come to an end? I don't think so. It just means blogging has come to an end for certain content, but not all of it.
Whilst a lot of bloggers have spoken about the decrease in engagement via their blogs, I have to say that overall my engagement has been pretty steady. Some posts do better than others, but that is how its always been. I think its also important for me to say that blogging has never been my main platform, and over the years I have adapted to creating and making money in lots of different ways and I guess thats what needs to happen across the board going forward.
Blogging in my opinion is still needed for thought-out, slightly more time consuming content. No, I don't read as many blogs as I used to, but the posts that I do read are bloody amazing, engaging and usually inspire me in someway. I gravitate towards bloggers and content that has meaning, and has something behind it that makes me think. Vix Meldrew and Chloe Plumstead are two people who do this exceptionally well, and they are both SO different in photography, writing style and overall content.
I'm not here to shit on anyone's content and who am I to say that beauty blogs are over with, but with observation of my own content, and seeing how others engage with the likes of Vix and Chloe, it is clear to see that there is 100% more of a need for content with substance. This isn't to say that nobody cares about Nars Sheer Glow Foundation lol or Charlotte Tilbury's new launch, but I guess now is the time to think about how you incorporate what you love,
into engaged and decent content.
Does that make sense?
I actually think we are heading into really exciting times for the blogging industry. Micro bloggers (not sure if I like that term but I'ma use it nonetheless lol) are killing it, opinion based posts are a breath of fresh air, and voices of marginalised people are finally starting to be truly heard.
This shift is what I've been waiting for since blogging began lol, and instead of being annoyed or disheartened, I believe we should embrace it and learn from it.
Let's face it, we all started blogs to share our passions and in the beginning all of us had about 5 followers and 45 page views lol. We still loved it, we still did it, and we were still grateful. Yes times have changed and there is pressure from all areas to be the best, be the most engaged, take the best photos etc. But if you're making content that has depth, has humour and has your fucking personality, even if the post IS about a razor or Rimmel's new mascara - people will pay attention.
Blogging has had a shake up. Use it to inspire you.
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